Zoom Etiquette
Zoom works best on a laptop with built-in camera. If you don’t have one and you’d like to borrow one, can apply at the CUNY Student Technology Needs Survey.
For our Zoom sessions, you should sit in a well-lit room and make sure your image has sufficient lighting, especially in front of your face, which should be the brightest spot in the frame. You can also improve your lighting by turning up the screen brightness of your computer.
You should set up your head shot in advance. All frames should be consistent medium shots with eyes framed along the imagined upper third line (full face and shoulders, not too much head room).
Video participation is highly encouraged. If you are concerned about background noise, mute your microphone. If you are concerned about your visual background, use a virtual background. If you are concerned about your personal appearance, you can either get over it, or click “Improve My Appearance” in Video Settings.
Make sure you have a Zoom Profile photo for those rare instances when you have to turn off video.
This is your Zoom link for the rest of the semester:
*The schedule below contains links to Zoom video recordgins of each lecture from Fall 2020, for your reference. They will take a minute or so to load. Be patient.
1 8/30 Zoom Lecture: Intro to Course and First Assignment
- Assignment: Read syllabus and watch this lecture. Any questions?
- Also, email Student Information Form to [email protected] and post Introduction for Classmates on BB/Discussion Board.
- *Video recording
2 9/13 Zoom Lecture: News Intro
- Assignment: Read News Documents and samples and begin research for your own news story.
- *Video recording
3 9/20 Zoom Lecture: News Basics
- First Draft: News Story for TV [email to professor not required, but post anything you have so far on BB for your classmates. Respond to at least three of your classmates’ ideas.]
- *Video recording
4 9/27 Zoom Lecture: News Final
- Final Draft: News Story for TV [emailed to professor, required.] Last day for News BB Posts.
- *Video recording
5 10/4 Zoom Lecture: Doc Intro
- Assignment: Read Documentary Writing links and samples and begin research for your own documentary.
- *Video recording
6 10/18 Zoom Lecture: Doc Writing
- First Draft: Documentary Proposal [email to professor not required, but post anything you have so far on BB for your classmates, and respond to three of them.]
- *Video recording
7 10/25 Zoom Lecture: Doc Polish
- Final Draft Deadline: Documentary Proposal [emailed to professor, required.] Last day for Documentary BB Posts.
- *Video recording
8 11/1 Zoom Lecture: Comedy/Drama Intro
- Assignment: Read Comedy and Drama Writing links.
- *Video recording
9 11/8 Zoom Lecture: Comedy/Drama Development
- Assignment: Continue Reading and Working on your Comedy/Drama Assignment
- *Video recording
10 11/15 Zoom Lecture: Comedy/Drama Structure
- Assignment: Comedy or Drama Basic Idea [required via email and on BB. Respond to at least three of your classmates’ basic ideas.]
- *Video recording
11 11/22 Zoom Lecture: The Comedy/Drama Pitch
- First Draft: Comedy or Drama Proposal [email not required, but post whatever you have on Bb.]
- *Video recording
12 11/29 Zoom Lecture: Pitch 2
- Final Draft: Comedy or Drama Assignment. Last day for Comedy/Drama BB Posts.
- *Video recording
13 12/6 Zoom Lecture: Ads 1
- Assignment: Read Ad Writing links and samples.
- *Video recording
14 12/13 Zoom Lecture: Ads 2/Course Outro
- Assignment: First Draft Ad Campaign [email not required, but post what you have on Bb and respond to three classmates.]
- *Video recording
15 12/20 (Final Exam Day) Final Draft Ad Campaign due by 5 p.m.
- Last day for Ad BB Posts.